According to the Ukrainian trademark legislation,
a trade mark is a designation which shows that the goods and services of one person are different from the goods and services of others.
The object of the mark for goods and services can be any sign or any combination of signs .
It may be: words, including personal names, letters, numerals,
figurative elements, colors and combinations of colors, any combination of the above designations.
What can not be registered as a trademark for goods and services?
According to the Law, they are the signs that depict or simulate:
- armorial bearings , flags and other national symbols (logos);
- official names of states;
- emblems, abbreviations and names of international intergovernmental organizations;
- official control, guarantee and assay marks, seals;
- awards and other distinctions
Rights for the trademark are valid from the filing date.
After receiving the certificate for the trademark the owner acquires the right to use it in the normal course of business, to sell, to transfer rights in part or in whole, to prohibit or authorize another person to use the mark.
The ownership of a trademark is certified by a certificate which is valid for 10 years from the filing date and can be renewed every time for 10 years upon payment of the prescribed fee.
If you find that your rights are violated, we are ready to provide you with a full range of services to protect your intellectual property.
Our patent attorneys will help you to get a certificate at the sign for the goods and services in Ukraine. We are ready to provide you with a full range of services for trademark registration, which will allow you to save time and significantly reduce the risk of registration denial of the trade mark.
Do you have any questions?
We will contact you in the near future and offer the best solution for your question!
Kharkiv, Ukraine
Kharkiv, 61023, Ukraine
- +380577024360